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How to connect with children with autism

Understanding the interests and preferences of children with autism is crucial for creating inclusive environments and promoting their overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore some common areas of interest for children with autism, providing insights that can help parents, educators, and caregivers better support and engage with these incredible individuals.

Sensory Activities

Children with autism often have unique sensory needs and may find comfort and enjoyment in activities that stimulate their senses. Some popular sensory activities include:

  • Sensory play: Engaging in activities like playing with sand, water, or tactile materials can provide a calming and enjoyable experience for children with autism.
  • Swinging or rocking: The rhythmic motion of swinging or rocking can have a soothing effect on children with autism, helping them regulate their sensory input.
  • Listening to music: Many children with autism have a deep appreciation for music. Playing calming or rhythmic tunes can help them relax and focus.

Special Interests

Children with autism often develop intense interests in specific subjects or objects. These special interests can be a source of joy and motivation for them. Encouraging and incorporating these interests into their daily routines can foster engagement and learning. Some examples include:

  • Dinosaurs, trains, or cars: Many children with autism have a fascination with these subjects. Providing books, toys, or outings related to their interests can be highly rewarding for them.
  • Computers and technology: Some children with autism display a keen interest in computers, coding, or digital devices. Nurturing this interest can lead to valuable learning opportunities and future career paths.
  • Animals or nature: Exploring the natural world, visiting zoos, or engaging in animal-related activities can captivate the attention of children with autism who have a passion for animals.

Visual Supports

Visual supports can be beneficial for children with autism, as they often process information visually. Incorporating visual aids into their daily routines can enhance communication, understanding, and independence. Some effective visual supports include:

  • Visual schedules: Using visual schedules or timetables helps children with autism anticipate and understand their daily activities, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of structure.
  • Social stories: These visual narratives help children with autism navigate social situations by providing clear explanations and expectations.
  • Visual cues: Using visual cues, such as pictures or symbols, can aid in communication and comprehension, enabling children with autism to express their needs and understand instructions more effectively.

Understanding the interests and preferences of children with autism is essential for creating inclusive and supportive environments. We can enhance their engagement, communication, and overall well-being by recognizing their unique sensory needs, encouraging their special interests, and utilizing visual supports. Remember, every child with autism is unique, so it’s important to listen, observe, and adapt to their individual preferences. Together, we can create a world that celebrates and embraces the incredible diversity of individuals with autism.

More information and resources

You can learn more about early signs of the spectrum disorder and how to understand what it will mean for you and your family here: