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Addressing Sensory Challenges of People With Autism

Sensory challenges are a common aspect of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life. Fortunately, telehealth services have emerged as a valuable tool in addressing these challenges. In this article, we will explore how telehealth can help individuals with autism navigate sensory difficulties. We’ll provide practical strategies for managing sensory issues remotely, and highlight the benefits of telehealth in promoting sensory well-being.

Understanding Sensory Challenges in Autism

Individuals with autism often experience sensory sensitivities or, conversely, sensory-seeking behaviors. These challenges can manifest in various ways. For instance, hypersensitivity to certain sounds, textures, or lights, or seeking intense sensory input through repetitive behaviors. Consequently, sensory difficulties can lead to discomfort, anxiety, and subsequently, difficulties in social interactions and daily activities.

Telehealth Strategies for Sensory Challenges

  1. Sensory Assessments: Telehealth allows for comprehensive sensory assessments through video consultations. Qualified professionals can guide parents or caregivers in observing and reporting sensory behaviors, helping to identify specific triggers and develop personalized strategies.
  2. Sensory Diet Planning: Telehealth sessions enable occupational therapists to create sensory diets tailored to an individual’s needs. These diets consist of activities and strategies that provide the right balance of sensory input, helping individuals regulate their sensory experiences and improve their overall well-being.
  3. Environmental Modifications: Telehealth consultations can include virtual home visits, where therapists can assess the individual’s living environment and provide recommendations for sensory-friendly modifications. This may involve adjusting lighting, reducing clutter, or creating designated sensory spaces.
  4. Sensory Integration Therapy: Telehealth platforms can effectively facilitate guided sensory integration therapy sessions. Additionally, therapists can seamlessly demonstrate and expertly guide individuals through activities that promote sensory processing and integration. This process aids in helping them develop essential coping mechanisms and ultimately improves sensory regulation.

Benefits of Telehealth for Sensory Challenges:


Telehealth eliminates geographical barriers, allowing individuals with limited access to specialized services to receive support for their sensory challenges.

Familiar Environment

Telehealth sessions take place in the comfort of the individual’s home, reducing anxiety and sensory overload that may occur in unfamiliar clinical settings.

Parent Involvement

Telehealth empowers parents to actively participate in their child’s sensory therapy, promoting consistent support and carryover of strategies in the home environment.


Telehealth offers flexible scheduling options, making it easier for individuals with autism and their families to fit therapy sessions into their daily routines.

Telehealth has emerged as a valuable tool in addressing sensory challenges in individuals with autism. Notably, through virtual assessments, sensory diet planning, environmental modifications, and sensory integration therapy, telehealth provides accessible and effective support for managing sensory difficulties. By leveraging the benefits of telehealth, individuals with autism can enhance their sensory well-being and consequently improve their overall quality of life.

Remember, it’s important to consult with qualified professionals to develop personalized strategies and interventions for addressing sensory challenges in autism.

More information and resources

You can learn more about telehealth, autism diagnosis, and what it  means for you and your family here: