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Autism and Sensory-Friendly Shopping: Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

Going shopping can be an overwhelming experience for individuals with autism who may have sensory sensitivities. Sensory-friendly shopping takes note of sensory triggers and ways to avoid them. Bright lights, crowded spaces, loud noises, and unfamiliar environments can all contribute to sensory overload and stress. However, with a few helpful tips, shopping trips can become more manageable and enjoyable for individuals on the autism spectrum. In this article, we will explore practical strategies for creating a sensory-friendly shopping experience.

Tips For Sensory-Friendly Shopping

  1. Plan Ahead: Before heading to the store, do some research. Check the store’s website or call ahead to inquire about quieter times or sensory-friendly shopping events. Knowing when the store is less crowded can help reduce sensory overload.
  2. Choose the Right Time: Select a time of day when the store is likely to be less busy. Early mornings or weekdays might be quieter, providing a calmer environment for shopping.
  3. Prepare Visual Supports: Visual supports such as social stories or visual schedules can help individuals with autism understand what to expect during the shopping trip. Create a visual guide that outlines the steps involved, from entering the store to checking out.
  4. Use Noise-Canceling Headphones: Loud noises can be overwhelming. Wearing noise-canceling headphones or ear defenders can help reduce the impact of noise and create a more peaceful shopping experience.
  5. Dress Comfortably: Choose clothing that is comfortable and non-restrictive. This can help minimize sensory discomfort and allow for greater ease of movement during the shopping trip.
  6. Take Breaks: Allow for breaks during the shopping trip. Find a quiet area in the store or step outside for a few moments to provide a sensory break when needed. Taking short breaks can help regulate sensory input and prevent overwhelming sensations.
  7. Create a Sensory Kit: Pack a sensory kit with items that provide comfort and sensory relief. This can include fidget toys, stress balls, or sensory objects like textured keychains or squishy toys. Having these items on hand can offer a sense of familiarity and help individuals self-regulate.
  8. Practice Deep Breathing: Teach deep breathing techniques to help manage anxiety or stress. Encourage slow, deep breaths during challenging moments to promote relaxation and a sense of calm.
  9. Utilize Online Shopping: If the sensory challenges of in-person shopping are too overwhelming, consider exploring online shopping options. Online shopping allows individuals to shop from the comfort of their own homes, providing a more controlled and sensory-friendly experience.
  10. Build Gradual Exposure: Gradually expose individuals to shopping environments, starting with short visits and gradually increasing the duration over time. This helps build familiarity and tolerance to sensory stimuli associated with shopping.

Remember, every individual with autism is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to be patient, understanding, and flexible in accommodating individual needs during shopping trips. By implementing these sensory-friendly strategies, individuals with autism can experience more stress-free and enjoyable shopping experiences.

In conclusion, with careful planning, sensory-friendly shopping trips can be made more accessible and enjoyable for individuals with autism. By choosing the right time, utilizing visual supports, bringing sensory kits, and creating opportunities for breaks, individuals can navigate shopping environments with greater comfort and reduced stress. Sensory-friendly shopping fosters inclusivity and empowers individuals with autism to engage in everyday activities with greater ease.

More information and resources

You can learn more about telehealth, autism diagnosis, and what it  means for you and your family here: