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Traveling with an Autistic Child: Tips for a Secure and Enjoyable Journey

Traveling with an autistic child can be both exciting and challenging. As a parent or caregiver, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of the journey is a top priority. In this blog post, we will share practical tips and strategies for travel – tips to make your travel experience secure and enjoyable for your child with autism.

Planning Ahead

  1. Research and Choose Autism-Friendly Destinations: When traveling with an autistic child, look for destinations that offer accommodations and attractions that are sensitive to their needs. These destinations may provide sensory-friendly environments, quiet spaces, or special services to support travelers on the spectrum.
  2. Prepare a Visual Schedule: Use visual aids such as schedules, checklists, or social stories to help your child understand the sequence of activities during the trip. Visual schedules provide predictability and reduce anxiety, making the travel experience more manageable.
  3. Notify Airlines and Hotels: Inform airlines and hotels about your child’s specific needs, such as dietary restrictions, sensory sensitivities, or assistance requirements. They may be able to provide special accommodations or make necessary arrangements to ensure a comfortable stay.

Packing Essentials

  1. Comfort Items: Pack familiar comfort items such as a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or sensory toys that help soothe and calm your child during travel.
  2. Snacks and Drinks: Bring along snacks and drinks that your child enjoys. Familiar food can provide a sense of comfort and help alleviate any anxiety related to new food options during the journey.
  3. Earplugs and Noise-Canceling Headphones: Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can help your child manage sensory overload in loud or crowded environments, such as airports or train stations.

Safety Measures

  1. Identification and Documentation: Carry identification and documentation that includes your child’s name, emergency contact information, any relevant medical conditions, and sensory sensitivities. This information can be helpful in case of an emergency or if assistance is needed.
  2. Wearable GPS Tracker: Consider using a wearable GPS tracker or identification bracelet for your child. These devices can provide an extra layer of security, especially in crowded or unfamiliar places.
  3. Establish a Safety Plan: Discuss safety rules and expectations with your child before the trip. Teach them about staying close to you, recognizing authority figures, and what to do in case they feel lost or uncomfortable.

Travel Strategies

  1. Practice and Familiarize: Prior to the trip, gradually expose your child to elements of travel, such as packing, going through security procedures, or taking short practice trips. This exposure helps build familiarity and reduces anxiety.
  2. Choose Off-Peak Travel Times: Opt for less crowded travel times when possible to minimize sensory overload and provide a more comfortable experience for your child.
  3. Use Social Stories: Create or find social stories that explain the travel process in a step-by-step manner. Read these stories with your child to help them understand and prepare for the journey.

Flexibility and Patience

  1. Allow Extra Time: Plan for extra time during your travel itinerary to accommodate any unexpected delays or sensory breaks that your child may need.
  2. Be Flexible: Understand that unexpected changes or disruptions may occur during the journey. Stay flexible and adapt to your child’s needs as necessary.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself as a parent or caregiver. Traveling can be stressful, so make sure to prioritize self-care and manage your own stress levels to provide the best support for your child.

Remember, every child with autism is unique, so it’s important to tailor these tips to your child’s specific needs. By planning ahead, packing essentials, implementing safety measures, using travel strategies, and maintaining flexibility, you can ensure a secure and enjoyable travel experience for your child with autism.

More information and resources

You can learn more about telehealth, autism diagnosis, and what it  means for you and your family here: